Video Creative

Video advertising is a marketing strategy that involves creating a short and informative video that promotes a product and is played before, during, or after the main video. It helps tell a story, improve sales volume, create buzz, convey information concisely and captivatingly, and reach a wider audience.

Live Action
Voice Over
Script Writing
Product Imagery

What are video ads used for ?

Video ads empower advertisers to engage audiences better and get more ad clicks; you can use advertising platforms such as Facebook and YouTube to create a wide variety of video ads. Digital video ads are divided into two overall formats: linear and nonlinear. Linear video ads are most like traditional TV commercials and play before (pre), during (mid) or after (post) the streaming content.

This service is included in

Content Creation

Social media content creation is the process of creating written content, photography, graphics, and videos for different social media platforms.

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