Community Manager

A Community manager helps building an authentic community among a business's customers, employees, and partners through various types of interaction.

Design Post
Hashtags Setup
Business Manager
Account Moderation

Is community management part of marketing?

Community management is one of the most important activities for brands who rely on social media to contribute to their marketing and sales cycles. People often confuse social media marketing with community management – but they are two distinct disciplines. To Build a good community strategy :

  1. Set a purpose and measure of success.
  2. Research, research, research.
  3. Plan content types and frequency.
  4. Share your strategy with key stakeholders.
  5. Choose and test your community tech stack.
  6. Launch your community.

This service is included in

Digital Marketing

Advertising delivered through digital channels to promote brands and connect potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.

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