Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is part of a business plan that outlines how the company will build rapport and favorability. Your brand is a representation of who you are as a business, and using effective brand strategies can help your business to grow and reach beyond your target audience.

Line Extension
Market Segment
Fighter Brand
Flanker Brand

Before you select the proper brand strategies for your business, you should define your brand identity. This involves asking yourself and others involved in the marketing and sales process a series of questions, such as:

  • What are my company’s mission and core values?
  • If I had to describe my company in three words, what would they be?
  • What do I want to be known for in the marketplace?
  • What kind of difference do I want to make in my industry?
  • What do I want my brand to look like visually?

Asking yourself these questions helps you to determine your goals and direction in the marketplace as a unique brand.

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