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Subscription plans to grow up & scale your Business

Our proven full-funnel, high-velocity experimentation, 360° approach helps our partner businesses rapidly scale for less.

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Our team is dedicated to becoming a part of our clients’ businesses and meeting their unique needs.

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Garner Organic Visibility

An agency that helps you grow your business

In the ever-growing Digital market, you want to maximize high-impact, low-cost marketing strategies that make sure your company stands out. We are a Digital marketing agency that strategically leverages content marketing and SEO to expand your brand’s digital footprint and keep you top-of-mind for high-intent prospects and ideal customers.

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Maximize Revenue at Every Stage

We help your company drive results, period.

Our strategies increase your conversions by optimizing your entire funnel and leveraging your existing traffic. No matter where your leads are in their buyer journey, our conversion experiments will drive them through the funnel, retain high-quality leads, and increase your LTV.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions, we have answers

We have the answers to your most frequently asked questions 🙂

Is there any follow-up by the Beyrey team ?

Is there any follow-up by the Beyrey team?
At the end of each mission, for a period of 15 days, we remain available and can be contacted free of charge for any questions about the tools we have integrated into your service. Then, if you want to keep this support over time, we offer a subscription service to Beyrey assistance. This support allows you to be informed of the evolutions of the web strategies and to obtain an assistance or trainings.

Are the SEO strategies for a showcase site and an e-commerce site the same?

Yes and no. The basic principles concerning the tagging and the structure of the site are the same for a website and an e-commerce site.However, there are some specific rules for e-Commerce sites, especially for optimizing your product pages. We will find the importance of the structure with categories, precise sub-categories, tags, a coherent mesh of internal links, the establishment of silos, an optimized depth, etc..

What's your typical cost for a campaign?

In the simplest terms, your marketing budget should be a percentage of your revenue. A common rule of thumb is that B2B companies should spend between 2 and 5% of their revenue on marketing. For B2C companies, the proportion is often higher—between 5 and 10%.

Why did Beyrey choose to become a Digital expert?

Because we want to bring the best web solutions to our customers, quite simply. From no-code to low-code, Beyrey has no limits and allows you to meet all your needs: digital marketing, content creation, design and development.

Can I get a quote for a custom package?

Yes, we have a global proposal that can include several services or packages at the same time (marketing tools, training, developments, support)

What is the typical timeline?

To create a project timeline that works, you need to know exactly what tasks need to be completed, which team members will complete them and how long each item will take. With our experience we are able to develop your project in less than 4 weeks.

Do you guarantee marketing results?

Our agency accompanies you in all the stages of your online visibility project. We are convinced that it is essential to develop this digital strategy together and bring you guaranteed results.⚡️

Can I pay for my website in installments ?

Yes, our services are billed 50% upon order and 50% upon delivery, regardless of their size. Except pricing packages services and subscriptions plans.

Is there an annual fee for website projects ?

Yes, there are several types of annual fees for a website:Web host
-Domain name
-Annual management Beyrey
-Price of integrated tools

Can I stop my website management contract ?

Yes, by respecting the notice period provided in the contract, but first let's discuss what makes you want to leave us 😥